read original January 2014 goal post here
- My first goal to get back into a routine went well for the most part. I did wake up with my working family everyday and sit my ass in front of my computer for hours and get work done. I managed my own time well. I worked on my resume, I looked for many a job opening, I worked on a new bunch of designs, and created content for this blog. I wish more of a routine with eating and with exercise worked its way into my January world, but I need to cut myself some slack, and ease into this new life of mine. I'm trying to land my dream job (or something close to it) and that took up a heck of a lot of my routine. Now that the foundation for great change and potential hiring has been created this month, I will continue to work on a solid routine for February.
- My second goal to work on my virtual persona (website, blog, online portfolio, .pdf resume, e-mail cover letter) was met weeks ago. (Go me!) Yep. That was top priority because I know before any employeer gives me a chance in-person, they're going to look me up online. That's so weird, isn't it? Everything needed to be created or tweaked and made consistent. Done and done.
read original February 2014 goal post here
- Ah, my first goal to find work. {pausing; thinking back on the month; smiling} I sure as heck did. I will disclose soon where I'm working and what I'm doing, but know that I found it, and I'm excited to wake up in the morning and get to it. It's awesome.
- Keep designing was my second goal, and I have. I don't think a single day has gone by this year so far where I haven't designed something...and that, my friends, was the point. The point of leaving teaching - of pursuing a more creative career path - I wanted to make something everyday. I enjoy some of the things I'm making more than others, but point is: I'm making, and I know with each something I make, I get better and better at doing it. ♥
- My final goal for February was to be my own Valentine. Based on the the completion of the first two goals, I think it's safe to say I was. I found work, and am excited about it. I designed for my soul, for my silence, for fun, for me. I rested when I was tired. I worked out when I was energetic. I stood up for myself. I baked and sang karaoke with cousins. I dined with friends; I said 'I love you' and meant it. I laughed. I loved February this year, and you know what? It loved me back.
read original March 2014 goal post here
- I did my best at my new job. I've only known how to do my best at any job I've ever had ever. Which might be why teaching didn't work out for me - your best at that job'll kill ya. But, I made this one of my goals to remind myself that my best everyday, for a set number of hours, was enough. My type-A personality has a tendency to overdo it, and short circuit as a result, so my best was done and just right, and my best will continue.
- A little over a month down at this job and heck, I've learned a lot. There is definitely a lot more for me to learn, but I have a great team of co-workers that answer my phone calls, send me support e-mails, and Skype like champions. So grateful for it, and for sure - the learning will continue. Now, the anxiety...[deeep sigh]. It creeps up on me every few years, as much as I think 'I'm grown up now' and it won't. I feel like the trigger might have been just...the new job? ...the inevitable new routine? Not sure. Reading things like this helps, but jeez. As I predicted, March was riddled with it, and I'm still predicting more sunlight + Vitamin D + outdoor time will help. March brought hardly any of that. Still cold, still stuck inside while the despressing rain is mocking my outdoor dreams. So, yeah. This goal still needs to be met, but in all honesty, when it comes to anxiety, there is very little you can be diligent about except taking one day at a time, praying, and believing you'll eventually get passed the storm. ♥
read original April 2014 goal post here
- I needed a break of the grandest kind this month. I did move purposefully and started off eating consciously, but very early on this month, I fell under the weather and the family went through a death. A funk of epic proportions came over me, my creativity was zapped dry, and most of this month is a blur. Sleep and hugs and a MAJOR BREAK was needed, and taken. I do feel better, but not 100%, and I think it's something I still need to take one day at a time.