This has been the ninth month of Fat Mum Slim's Photo-A-Day challenge.
Nine months, ya'll!
On the 1st of every month, I come up with a 'look' that the month with have,
and I goal to fulfill each day's prompt while sticking to the 'look'.
The 'look' for September was created using the fisheye lens of my olloclip.
Then, the shot was filtered by Snapster, cropped to circle by Diptic, washi-taped by Labelbox, and texted by Phonto.
I think so far, it's been my favorite.
Check it out:
Day 1 - Me, now was fresh from Summer, ready to bike, and head to a friend's BBQ
Day 2 - Father Time pushes us along, doesn't he...I took that same shot at the start of August
Day 3 - So far away from summer bliss waiting on line at the teacher store :(
Day 4 - In my classroom mailbox, waiting for the kiddies to come
Day 5 - Bright paint samples for the shades of meaning wall in our classroom
Day 6 - I will be coming here everyday -- physically or mentally for the next 9 months
Day 7 - If you act nayural, the devil sadness won't take notice, and pass you on by
Day 8 - Where he ends up at night: taking up my whole pillow
Day 9 - Most weekends, I'm drowning in teacher work
Day 10 - My favorite forms of black&white are Alejandro and his sister
Day 11 - The heroes of 9.11 will always live in our hearts and minds
Day 12 - These two together and their kitty love save my soul sometimes
Day 13 - At the table for a dinner out at Bareburger in Astoria
Day 14 - My favorite time of the week: early Friday evening
Day 15 - My swimming pool cup o'coffee in my mug is one of the first things I see every morning
Day 16 - It felt strange having those shorter layers cut by my face
Day 17 - New ShockTop Pumpkin Wheat beer was put in my fridge that day
Day 18 - The price of good nail polish is too damn high
Day 19 - I wish I was still underneath those covers
Day 20 - SYNONYM ROLLS - aMANda made, filled out by the kids, idea from Pinterest
Day 21 - Sometimes I wish time stood still so summer plants and other things wouldn't die
Day 22 - Up in the sky over the horse races
Day 23 - Before bedtime, I drink a gallon or two of water
Day 24 - 3 words to describe me: searching, wondering, and inquisitive
Day 25 - Look out the window frame and decide how you'll spend your day off
Day 26 - So near the end of September...yay
Day 27 - I have a Love/Hate relationship with the stationery it all, but makes me broke
Day 28 - The warmth of the fireplace on a cold September morning is a good thing
Day 29 - Picking pumpkins is a favored Fall errand
Day 30 - Me, then seems to be searching, wondering, and inquisitive
September brought me lots of happy surprises.
I tried the awesomeness of Red Mango for the first time.
I had a relatively smooth first month of my second year teaching, and got through it calmly.
I was granted lots of alone time to be with myself and my thoughts.
...and it's readied me for October, I think.
September, you set me up nice, I suppose.
October photo-a-day begins tomorrow, and
make sure you tweet/instagram your images with
the hashtag #FMSphotoaday.
Will you be taking the challenge?
Follow me on Instagram to see my 'playing along' daily,
or come back October 31st
to have another compilation party here with me.
See my past months of photo-play:
Happy Sunday-Last-Day-of-Sept!