In 2015, I shall be participating in Ali Edwards One Little Word™ exercise by actively looking for PROOF that good things are going to happen. PROOF is my one little word, and I've already blogged about why and the making of this 8x8 board book, and my January page.
This is the post on how I recorded the PROOF I found in February. The first thing I did was stick clear white mambiSTICKS alphas on top of a trimmed to size transparency page -- something I plan to do for each page in this book.
When you turn back the 'feb' titled transparency, there three punched papers folded over and included in February's PROOF. The first is a page from Show Your Work! about stock & flow.
The second folded paper consists of two pages photocopied from that I read and was exactly going through. It was like PROOF that I was not alone, and that I will survive.
The third folded over paper included in February's round up of PROOF was a letter I typed to Tomas.
After those papers, I recorded the PROOF I found in February on hot pink post-its marked with hot pink date stamp. You saw at the end of January's post that I started doing that on February's page, and I guess it just stuck (no pun intended).
I have no real plan moving forward except to overlay each month's PROOF page with a transparency sheet labeled with the first three letters of that month. Below are March to June, all prepped and ready.
For more on my one little word go HERE. // See the cover to this minibook HERE. // Browse past minibooks HERE.