I'm excited to finally share with you some shots from my first LADIES CRAFT NIGHT. It's been something I've wanted to host / do/ start up for a long time and I'm proud of myself for setting a date and just doing it.
To prep, I purchased each attendee two medium-sized orange pumpkins and two mini white pumpkins (Trader Joe's had 'em for a good price). I laid brown craft paper I got from Staples on my long dining table to catch any paint drips or splatters. I also spread out 'a runner' of masking tape, paint brushes, and paint down the middle of the table.
Click on the images below to enlarge, and view scenes from the night. My sister had the idea to try some Fancy Tats™ Metallic Tattoos from me & my BIG ideas on one her pumpkins, and it came out great! I also adhered some large mambiSTICKS alphabet stickers to one of my pumpkins, which gave it something special.
I have my second LADIES CRAFT NIGHT scheduled for next Friday. I plan to host one of these once a month, and I hope to get better at hosting this type of craft event with each one! I'm excited! Stay tuned!