Social media is strange. That was basically the theme of my 2o+ minute Periscope video I did last night at 8:15pm EST. I believe you can still watch it for the next few hours, until it disappears into a black hole forever, but yeah...
I talked about the PROS and CONS of living in a 'posting culture' and share a story that made me feel 'posting guilt', and for my first one, I had a small but enthusiastic bunch of listeners. Yay!
I was happy I did it in the spirit of 'JUST START' and hopefully I'll have it in me to do some more in the near future. I'm trying to work out the kinks and get used to the Periscope platform before contributing to the me & my BIG ideas Periscope (which you can find out more about here).
Thanks for stopping in, and I'd love for you to give it a listen! Have a great day!