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These are some pinned images I've recently added to my Pinterest account. To look at them collectively, you can tell what mood I'm in and where my brain's been at. This month is flying by, and a large part of me has been flying with it.
I started this month with vacation and a tan; I'm eating right; the weather is warming; and I'm jogging in the sunshine. I've felt optimistic and healthy, and the color that often reflects those two things for me is PINK. So lots of pink has been pinned. I've also been feeling very flirty with the coming of Spring and my body getting firmer from the jogging and the gymming. Lipstick, new hair-dos, sweet handwritten To Do lists, flamingos and bananas, celebrating others' success, fun workspaces, illustrating said workspaces, and again: PINK.
Any particular thing(s) recently inspiring you?