One dufflebag full of Carmen. One dufflebag full of Alejandro. ...and me, in the middle, trying to keep it together. Nine hours, two airports, and a new apartment later, all three of us managed to have a pretty good panic attack. I suppose I expected it from me, but seeing it from the two of them really threw me. Carmen wet herself. Alejandro hid shaking behind the washer/dryer. ...and their mama just about lost her mind. (Lucky Tomas.)
After we all slept a much needed sleep, we woke up feeling better. The cats ate and litter-boxed; I made coffee and organized a bit. Talking to mom and dad helped too, but I tell ya...I pray we get better adjusted.
Oh, my kitty boops, my travel buddies, my little life loves: we're in this together. Let's stay strong, and try to remember we're going to be alright, no matter what. ♥ ♥ ♥ Happy Weekend, all!