Last week's Mother's Day was beautiful. My sister and I woke up early, signed our cards, and put mom's presents on display. We got her a bunch of stuff from a beauty supply store, a Chia herb garden, and some new planters. We spent the morning outside in the backyard. I fed squirrels; I observed a snail. It was so warm that I changed into one of my only strapless shirts. Nothing short of a miracle. ♥ Mom started planting her herbs. She put flowers from work in one of her new planters. Her and I took a trip to Home Depot to look for impatients - her favorite flowers. I stopped in a shop next to Home Depot and found some sweet midi sundresses for $4 each. I bought four. I took the cats back outside in the evening, and had a no fuss dinner of leftovers.
That was it: calm and warm. This year there's nothing else I could've asked for. I just wanted to record it.