Here is the seventh submission for my "Helvetica diaries" series. Simply put: this series is a once-in-a-while post that includes a quote, saying, song lyric, or random thought printed out on white paper using black Helvetica font.
Today's Helvetica diary is made up of some words I've needed lately. Often, if you are human (and I'm assuming you are), you feel fear. It's inconvinient. It's not fun. It's debilitating. I used to think the older you got, the less you felt it, or the better you got at dealing with/mastering/overcoming (?) it. I'm learning the opposite is true. The older you get, the more you feel fear. ...and sometimes I feel the more creative you are, the more your mind finds creative ways to [insert fear here]. I've read about some of the most creative women bloggers suffering from fear, anxiety, and panic here, here, here, here, here and here...and even Ali Edwards journalled about it in her latest installment of her one little word workshop. Good news is: in all cases I've read about, there is a light at the end of the tunnel, a general hopeful message about the passing nature of their fear.
I sure as heck hope I don't feel 'absolutely terrifed every moment of my life' but in truth sometimes - as humans - we feel that's the case. I just hope that when I feel fear, I remember everybody does, and I'm no worse than them. I hope it doesn't stop me from doing what I want to do -- 'cause guess what? It turns out, when you do those things you want to do, you realize how false and fake that fear feeling was in reality.
Try your best to live in the moment and get out of your head. Do what you want to do anyway. Have fun.
That's what I suppose is in this edition of Helvetica Diaries. ♥ Thanks for reading.
Below it's available as a free downloadable .pdf if you wish to print it for yourself. It's as easy as clicking the download link, and printing from your computer. Enjoy!
Download the .pdf: Helvetica Diaries 07