I've already texted most of my teacher-friends Happy Labor Day! this morning, folllowed by: It feels so weird to know I'm not going back tomorrow. The public school teachers and staff here in New York City always go back the day after Labor Day. I -- not returning to teaching this year -- shan't be.
Instead, I get a little 20-day extention on Summer vacation, and will be starting graphic design school at Shillington in three weeks. Summer has been great (always is), but in all honesty, I'm ready to start feeling busy again. I'm ready to learn and sponge up all they have to teach me. I'm ready to finally feel like I'm doing what I should be doing; not to mention, get myself closer to receiving a regular paycheck again. (Yes!)
So here we are folks!
In the second day of September already, with Fall & school just around the corner.
I'm hoping 30 Days of Lists and Week in the Life and my upcoming trip to Texas will all get me to three weeks from today safely, soundly, and ready to launch.
We shall see.